Honorary Consul for Latvia
Andreas Pitlik
Consulate information
Postal address:
Gustav Adolfs Torg 47
211 39 Malmö
Visiting address:
Gustav Adolfs Torg 47
211 39 Malmö
Consulate phone: 0046 709 999038
Preferred contact method: Email
Office hours: Only by appointment
What is the focus of your Consulate work?
As Honorary Consul of the Republic of Latvia I have committed to support Latvian companies to explore possible growth opportunities in Southern Sweden i.e. Skåne. At the same time my commitment also involves stimulating Swedish companies to seek investment opportunities in Latvia.
My commitment also includes support to the local Latvian community and opening doors to tourism and cultural exploration between Latvia and Southern Sweden. All with the aim to make sure all potential opportunities will be explored, if possible, to its fullest – both on the short and long terms for relevant growth.
Naturally I furthermore have a task to represent Latvia on selected specific needed occasions such as at the municipality, county council, consular corps etc.